Information about Gdanski Rocznik Ewangelicki - Gdansk Evangelical Yearbook (GRE)
Gdansk Evangelical Yearbook - GRE is a scientific, humanistic yearbook published by Lutheran Parish in Gdansk and the Diocese Pomerania-Wielkopolskas of the Lutheran Church in Poland. The Yearbook is committed in research of the history of Protestantism especially in Gdansk, Pomerania and Poland, it contains also theological and biblical reflection and focus a panorama of modern Protestantism in Gdansk and Pomerania.
GRE was grounded in 2007 by the group of scholars related to the Diocese Pomerania-Wielkopolskas of the Lutheran Church in Poland.
GRE publishes articles, historical materials, reviews of books representing areas of the history and theology, as well as the chronicle of the Lutheran Parish in Gdansk and talks with representative people of the Polish Protestantism. Its scope is to publish original research of scientists related to universities and academicals institution in the territory of the Diocese Pomerania-Wielkopolska.
Copyrights are according to "Creative Commons CC BY 4.0" license in Open Access system.
The printed version of GRE has the primary character.
The articles are published mainly in Polish, some of them in German and English, all abstracts are published in English. GRE is open to interdisciplinary humanistic studies in a different forms of style.
GRE is indexed in international Scientifical Databases: CEEOL, CEJSH, Index Copernicus and Polish PBN.
Since 2015 GRE is indexed on European Platform: ERIH+.
We do not take any fees for publishing the articles and materials in our Yearbook.
The Requirements for Authors
The GRE is journal in which original scholarship relating to theology, history of the Protestantism in particular in the Polish and Balitc territory is published.
The article should be no shorter than 20.000 and no longer than 60.000 characters including footnotes and Summary. It should contain Summary in language of origin and in English as well as keynotes in both languages. We need an Biographical Note and ORCID of Authors.
Each text is peer-reviewed by two scholars using the double-blind system.
In Editorial Board are scientists from several Polish and German universities.